You were born and raised to be a southern belle but in a place like this you like to raise a little hell
Y'all this 7 hour time difference is literally driving me crazy. The two nights I've now spent here I've woken up at 4am, been awake for a good 30 minutes and then back to sleep. This morning I woke up at 7 and decided it would be better to wake up then than to wake up at 3pm again...it'll definitely take a while to get used to this again. I'd completely forgotten just how light it is outside even after midnight. In Gainesville it usually starts getting dark after 6pm, and here it's sunlight 24/7! I love it though. It's been super cold, in the 50's and 60's, and I checked the weather in gville and it's supposed to be like a 100 degrees this week. Smh... Things definitely get better with time, even if it would take a long time I'm trying to just stay strong. Even though I've been crying more than I probably have my whole life, it just makes me realize just how much I love my second home and everyone who lived there with me. I miss my best friend Kelsie SO much that I honestly don't know what I'd do if I wasn't able to text her every single day here! We've already skyped and FaceTime'd, and when she asked me via Skype if her hair looked good it made me feel like everything was just like always :) KELSIE my baby I love you so much and when you come here next summer I promise to give you the best time of your life, after we've calmed down and stopped crying haha. You'll be shocked about just how small everything is!!! I thought our car was a joke, I felt like there was no way I would fit in it... My room is so pathetic too. The glasses are way too small for my hands, and it's so weird not having a full carpet on my floor. Our shower seems too weird for me, and I hate that it's not in a bathtub. We only have one switch for our tap, so it's not hot and cold separately and it feels awkward turning it on. Everyone walks around here, and people walk out their dogs and what not. Public transportation scares me to be honest, and I don't know how I'm supposed to get in one and speak Finnish to te driver haha... Country music makes me so so sad and at the moment I can't really listen to it. I haven't really left my house, right now it seems easier to just stay home and do nothing. Tomorrow I'm going out to see my friends and we're gonna go eat dinner, so that'll be interesting. There's some European championships going on here now that I might go watch tonight with my parents. Till then I'm just gonna be watching some movies and I'll try to unpack all my stuff! My room is already filled with stuff so I don't know what I'm gonna do with everything I brought from America haha. Hopefully all my babies will be reading my blog from now on :) I want y'all to know what's up! Love y'all and keep skyping and texting me ❤
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2 kommenttia:
Sun blogii on ollu tosi kiva lukee tän koko vuoden ajan ja kiva ku kirjotat nyt englanniks :)
En voi ees kuvitella miltä tuntuu palaa vuoden jälkeen suomee se on varmaa ihan järkyttävää mut koita kestää kai siihen tottuu :)
Ja puhuit jossain sun aiemmis postauksis siitä, et menisit tonne yliopistoo nii miten se niinku onnistuu? Tai et voiks semmonenki joka on käyny lukion suomes ilman mitää vaihtarivuotta nii hakee sinne ja millaseen kouluun suunnittelit hakee ja miten niit stipendijuttui voi saada? :)
Ois kiva jos jaksaisit vastaa ku mul on kauheit probleemoksii tän asian kans!
haha joo ihan kuka tahansa voi mennä sinne jos on sitä rahaa, hyvät paperit ja aikaa sit hankkii nit stipendei jos tarvii. se vaatii sit kans iha hirveet sitoomust, et jos en olis tota vuotta tuol nyt viettäny en tiiä et pystyisinks lähtee maailmalle tost vaa neljäks vuodeks ihan yksin. nyt mul on siel päin kuitenki perhe nii helpotaa asiaa iha hirveesti. mut tosiaan scadiin oon yrittämässä nyt mennä, tiiän et sinne ei nyt mitenkää hirveen vaikee oo päästä eli maksut on vaa sit se mitä pitää miettii. ja jos en haluukkaa sit georgiaa mennä, vaa california alkaa houkuttelee enemmän nii etin sielt sit itelleni hyvän koulun. netistä voi lukee vaikka millä mitalla tietoo, itekki oon vaa eri koulujen sivuil käyny lukemas infoo! ja se on siis savannah college of art and design eli just semmone "taidekoulu". stipendeistä en ite viel tiiä mitää, äiti on ite aikoinaa hankkinu joten se sano et auttaa mua niitten kaa kunhan oon takas eli varmaa syksyl aletaa kattoo niit. sit vietän varmaa aika monta tuntii opojen kaa et ne auttaa mua löytää parhaan vaihtoehdon. we'll see. ei täs voi muuta ku nyt vaa odottaa!
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