All food pics above are from the most expensive and best brunch I've ever had. Brb going back to Dubai for this.
Since I have been terrible with posting pictures, I'm hoping the million pics in this post will make up for all the previous ones. We have our first race tomorrow which is kind of making me nervous. Because we'll be at Milton the whole day, I'm missing out on Eurovision. Not that I'm the biggest fan but it's just very entertaining to watch with friends. To all my Canadian friends, if you've never watched them, DO IT. You'll get hours of laughter and terrible music. If you make it a drinking game you'll be loving it by the end (I know my group of friends back home that are doing this..)At the moment all I basically do is go to practice, hang out with friends, cook, go to class, do schoolwork…and, you know, eat. It's been weird ever since everyone moved out of res and I literally know no one from my new residence and I haven't been able to make any of the house events because of practice. Oh well. I'm moving out of res July 1st and then living with my friend for a week before I go home, so it's not like I'm here for a long time.
My room looked soooo weird after moving everything out
Got a little excited with having my friends selfie stick...
White girls of LA represent LOL
View from my new room
Whenever I start to write these things I'm at a loss for words and once I've finished writing and posted I get inspired. I just have no clue of what anyone is interested reading about or anything. My life is extremely mundane and just, you know, boring. And usually when something interesting is actually going on I'm too busy to focus on this blog. Buuuuut if any of my friends are reading this (I have already asked two of my friends this question, but anyway), if anyone's interested in possibly joining me on a trip for Christmas break, pls let me know. This could be something super fun/cool/awesome. Maybe I should just end with that, and I should go and pack for tomorrow anyway, since I'm not going to spend the night at home. Kisses to everyone back home and start planning my homecoming party ahahaha